.. _fmpz-mod-vec: **fmpz_mod_vec.h** -- vectors over integers mod n =============================================================================== Conversions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_set_fmpz_vec(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set the `fmpz_mod_vec` `(A, len)` to the `fmpz_vec` `(B, len)` after reduction of each entry modulo the modulus.. Arithmetic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_neg(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `(A, len)` to `-(B, len)`. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_add(fmpz * a, const fmpz * b, const fmpz * c, slong n, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set (A, len)` to `(B, len) + (C, len)`. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_sub(fmpz * a, const fmpz * b, const fmpz * c, slong n, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set (A, len)` to `(B, len) - (C, len)`. Scalar Multiplication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_scalar_mul_fmpz_mod(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_t c, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `(A, len)` to `(B, len)*c`. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_scalar_addmul_fmpz_mod(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_t c, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `(A, len)` to `(A, len) + (B, len)*c`. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_scalar_div_fmpz_mod(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_t c, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `(A, len)` to `(B, len)/c` assuming `c` is nonzero. Dot Product -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_dot(fmpz_t d, const fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `d` to the dot product of `(A, len)` with `(B, len)`. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_dot_rev(fmpz_t d, const fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, slong len, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `d` to the dot product of `(A, len)` with the reverse of the vector `(B, len)`. Multiplication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_vec_mul(fmpz * A, const fmpz * B, const fmpz * C, slong len, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx) Set `(A, len)` the pointwise multiplication of `(B, len)` and `(C, len)`.