.. _qadic: **qadic.h** -- unramified extensions over p-adic numbers =============================================================================== Data structures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We represent an element of the extension `\mathbf{Q}_q \cong \mathbf{Q}_p[X] / (f(X))` as a polynomial in `\mathbf{Q}_p[X]` of degree less than `\deg(f)`. As such, ``qadic_struct`` and ``qadic_t`` are typedef'ed as ``padic_poly_struct`` and ``padic_poly_t``. Context -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We represent an unramified extension of `\mathbf{Q}_p` via `\mathbf{Q}_q \cong \mathbf{Q}_p[X] / (f(X))`, where `f \in \mathbf{Q}_p[X]` is a monic, irreducible polynomial which we assume to actually be in `\mathbf{Z}[X]`. The first field in the context structure is a `p`-adic context struct ``pctx``, which contains data about the prime `p`, precomputed powers, the printing mode etc. The polynomial `f` is represented as a sparse polynomial using two arrays `j` and `a` of length ``len``, where `f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}`. We also assume that the array `j` is sorted in ascending order. We choose this data structure to improve reduction modulo `f(X)` in `\mathbf{Q}_p[X]`, assuming a sparse polynomial `f(X)` is chosen. The field ``var`` contains the name of a generator of the extension, which is used when printing the elements. .. function:: void qadic_ctx_init(qadic_ctx_t ctx, const fmpz_t p, slong d, slong min, slong max, const char * var, enum padic_print_mode mode) Initialises the context ``ctx`` with prime `p`, extension degree `d`, variable name ``var`` and printing mode ``mode``. The defining polynomial is chosen as a Conway polynomial if possible and otherwise as a random sparse polynomial. Stores powers of `p` with exponents between ``min`` (inclusive) and ``max`` exclusive. Assumes that ``min`` is at most ``max``. Assumes that `p` is a prime. Assumes that the string ``var`` is a null-terminated string of length at least one. Assumes that the printing mode is one of ``PADIC_TERSE``, ``PADIC_SERIES``, or ``PADIC_VAL_UNIT``. This function also carries out some relevant precomputation for arithmetic in `\mathbf{Q}_p / (p^N)` such as powers of `p` close to `p^N`. .. function:: void qadic_ctx_init_conway(qadic_ctx_t ctx, const fmpz_t p, slong d, slong min, slong max, const char * var, enum padic_print_mode mode) Initialises the context ``ctx`` with prime `p`, extension degree `d`, variable name ``var`` and printing mode ``mode``. The defining polynomial is chosen as a Conway polynomial, hence has restrictions on the prime and the degree. Stores powers of `p` with exponents between ``min`` (inclusive) and ``max`` exclusive. Assumes that ``min`` is at most ``max``. Assumes that `p` is a prime. Assumes that the string ``var`` is a null-terminated string of length at least one. Assumes that the printing mode is one of ``PADIC_TERSE``, ``PADIC_SERIES``, or ``PADIC_VAL_UNIT``. This function also carries out some relevant precomputation for arithmetic in `\mathbf{Q}_p / (p^N)` such as powers of `p` close to `p^N`. .. function:: void qadic_ctx_clear(qadic_ctx_t ctx) Clears all memory that has been allocated as part of the context. .. function:: slong qadic_ctx_degree(const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns the extension degree. .. function:: void qadic_ctx_print(const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Prints the data from the given context. Memory management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void qadic_init(qadic_t rop) Initialises the element ``rop``, setting its value to `0`. .. function:: void qadic_init2(qadic_t rop, slong prec) Initialises the element ``rop`` with the given output precision, setting the value to `0`. .. function:: void qadic_clear(qadic_t rop) Clears the element ``rop``. .. function:: void _fmpz_poly_reduce(fmpz * R, slong lenR, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong len) Reduces a polynomial ``(R, lenR)`` modulo a sparse monic polynomial `f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}` of degree at least `2`. Assumes that the array `j` of positive length ``len`` is sorted in ascending order. Allows zero-padding in ``(R, lenR)``. .. function:: void _fmpz_mod_poly_reduce(fmpz * R, slong lenR, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong len, const fmpz_t p) Reduces a polynomial ``(R, lenR)`` modulo a sparse monic polynomial `f(X) = \sum_{i} a_{i} X^{j_{i}}` of degree at least `2` in `\mathbf{Z}/(p)`, where `p` is typically a prime power. Assumes that the array `j` of positive length ``len`` is sorted in ascending order. Allows zero-padding in ``(R, lenR)``. .. function:: void qadic_reduce(qadic_t rop, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Reduces ``rop`` modulo `f(X)` and `p^N`. Properties -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: slong qadic_val(const qadic_t op) Returns the valuation of ``op``. .. function:: slong qadic_prec(const qadic_t op) Returns the precision of ``op``. Randomisation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void qadic_randtest(qadic_t rop, flint_rand_t state, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Generates a random element of `\mathbf{Q}_q`. .. function:: void qadic_randtest_not_zero(qadic_t rop, flint_rand_t state, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Generates a random non-zero element of `\mathbf{Q}_q`. .. function:: void qadic_randtest_val(qadic_t rop, flint_rand_t state, slong v, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Generates a random element of `\mathbf{Q}_q` with prescribed valuation ``val``. Note that if `v \geq N` then the element is necessarily zero. .. function:: void qadic_randtest_int(qadic_t rop, flint_rand_t state, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Generates a random element of `\mathbf{Q}_q` with non-negative valuation. Assignments and conversions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void qadic_set(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to ``op``. .. function:: void qadic_zero(qadic_t rop) Sets ``rop`` to zero. .. function:: void qadic_one(qadic_t rop) Sets ``rop`` to one, reduced in the given context. Note that if the precision `N` is non-positive then ``rop`` is actually set to zero. .. function:: void qadic_gen(qadic_t rop, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the generator `X` for the extension when `N > 0`, and zero otherwise. If the extension degree is one, raises an abort signal. .. function:: void qadic_set_ui(qadic_t rop, ulong op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the integer ``op``, reduced in the context. .. function:: int qadic_get_padic(padic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) If the element ``op`` lies in `\mathbf{Q}_p`, sets ``rop`` to its value and returns `1`; otherwise, returns `0`. Comparison -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: int qadic_is_zero(const qadic_t op) Returns whether ``op`` is equal to zero. .. function:: int qadic_is_one(const qadic_t op) Returns whether ``op`` is equal to one in the given context. .. function:: int qadic_equal(const qadic_t op1, const qadic_t op2) Returns whether ``op1`` and ``op2`` are equal. Basic arithmetic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void qadic_add(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op1, const qadic_t op2, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the sum of ``op1`` and ``op2``. Assumes that both ``op1`` and ``op2`` are reduced in the given context and ensures that ``rop`` is, too. .. function:: void qadic_sub(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op1, const qadic_t op2, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the difference of ``op1`` and ``op2``. Assumes that both ``op1`` and ``op2`` are reduced in the given context and ensures that ``rop`` is, too. .. function:: void qadic_neg(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the negative of ``op``. Assumes that ``op`` is reduced in the given context and ensures that ``rop`` is, too. .. function:: void qadic_mul(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op1, const qadic_t op2, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the product of ``op1`` and ``op2``, reducing the output in the given context. .. function:: void _qadic_inv(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N) Sets ``(rop, d)`` to the inverse of ``(op, len)`` modulo `f(X)` given by ``(a,j,lena)`` and `p^N`. Assumes that ``(op,len)`` has valuation `0`, that is, that it represents a `p`-adic unit. Assumes that ``len`` is at most `d`. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: void qadic_inv(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the inverse of ``op``, reduced in the given context. .. function:: void _qadic_pow(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, const fmpz_t e, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p) Sets ``(rop, 2*d-1)`` to ``(op,len)`` raised to the power `e`, reduced modulo `f(X)` given by ``(a, j, lena)`` and `p`, which is expected to be a prime power. Assumes that `e \geq 0` and that ``len`` is positive and at most `d`. Although we require that ``rop`` provides space for `2d - 1` coefficients, the output will be reduced modulo `f(X)`, which is a polynomial of degree `d`. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: void qadic_pow(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const fmpz_t e, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` the ``op`` raised to the power `e`. Currently assumes that `e \geq 0`. Note that for any input ``op``, ``rop`` is set to one in the given context whenever `e = 0`. Square root -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: int qadic_sqrt(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Return ``1`` if the input is a square (to input precision). If so, set ``rop`` to a square root (truncated to output precision). Special functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: void _qadic_exp_rectangular(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong v, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Sets ``(rop, 2*d - 1)`` to the exponential of ``(op, v, len)`` reduced modulo `p^N`, assuming that the series converges. Assumes that ``(op, v, len)`` is non-zero. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: int qadic_exp_rectangular(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the exponential series converges at ``op`` and sets ``rop`` to its value reduced modulo in the given context. .. function:: void _qadic_exp_balanced(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * x, slong v, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Sets ``(rop, d)`` to the exponential of ``(op, v, len)`` reduced modulo `p^N`, assuming that the series converges. Assumes that ``len`` is in `[1,d)` but supports zero padding, including the special case when ``(op, len)`` is zero. Supports aliasing between ``rop`` and ``op``. .. function:: int qadic_exp_balanced(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the exponential series converges at ``op`` and sets ``rop`` to its value reduced modulo in the given context. .. function:: void _qadic_exp(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong v, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Sets ``(rop, 2*d - 1)`` to the exponential of ``(op, v, len)`` reduced modulo `p^N`, assuming that the series converges. Assumes that ``(op, v, len)`` is non-zero. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: int qadic_exp(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the exponential series converges at ``op`` and sets ``rop`` to its value reduced modulo in the given context. The exponential series converges if the valuation of ``op`` is at least `2` or `1` when `p` is even or odd, respectively. .. function:: void _qadic_log_rectangular(fmpz * z, const fmpz * y, slong v, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Computes .. math:: z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}. Note that this can be used to compute the `p`-adic logarithm via the equation .. math:: \log(x) & = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i} \\ & = - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{(1-x)^i}{i}. Assumes that `y = 1 - x` is non-zero and that `v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)` is at least `1` when `p` is odd and at least `2` when `p = 2` so that the series converges. Assumes that `y` is reduced modulo `p^N`. Assumes that `v < N`, and in particular `N \geq 2`. Supports aliasing between `y` and `z`. .. function:: int qadic_log_rectangular(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the `p`-adic logarithm function converges at ``op``, and if so sets ``rop`` to its value. .. function:: void _qadic_log_balanced(fmpz * z, const fmpz * y, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Computes `(z, d)` as .. math:: z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}. Assumes that `v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)` is at least `1` when `p` is odd and at least `2` when `p = 2` so that the series converges. Supports aliasing between `z` and `y`. .. function:: int qadic_log_balanced(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the `p`-adic logarithm function converges at ``op``, and if so sets ``rop`` to its value. .. function:: void _qadic_log(fmpz * z, const fmpz * y, slong v, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N, const fmpz_t pN) Computes `(z, d)` as .. math:: z = - \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \frac{y^i}{i} \pmod{p^N}. Note that this can be used to compute the `p`-adic logarithm via the equation .. math:: \log(x) & = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i} \\ & = - \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} \frac{(1-x)^i}{i}. Assumes that `y = 1 - x` is non-zero and that `v = \operatorname{ord}_p(y)` is at least `1` when `p` is odd and at least `2` when `p = 2` so that the series converges. Assumes that `(y, d)` is reduced modulo `p^N`. Assumes that `v < N`, and hence in particular `N \geq 2`. Supports aliasing between `z` and `y`. .. function:: int qadic_log(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Returns whether the `p`-adic logarithm function converges at ``op``, and if so sets ``rop`` to its value. The `p`-adic logarithm function is defined by the usual series .. math:: \log_p(x) = \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} (-1)^{i-1} \frac{(x-1)^i}{i} but this only converges when `\operatorname{ord}_p(x)` is at least `2` or `1` when `p = 2` or `p > 2`, respectively. .. function:: void _qadic_frobenius_a(fmpz * rop, slong e, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N) Computes `\sigma^e(X) \bmod{p^N}` where `X` is such that `\mathbf{Q}_q \cong \mathbf{Q}_p[X]/(f(X))`. Assumes that the precision `N` is at least `2` and that the extension is non-trivial, i.e. `d \geq 2`. Assumes that `0 < e < d`. Sets ``(rop, 2*d-1)``, although the actual length of the output will be at most `d`. .. function:: void _qadic_frobenius(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, slong e, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N) Sets ``(rop, 2*d-1)`` to `\Sigma` evaluated at ``(op, len)``. Assumes that ``len`` is positive but at most `d`. Assumes that `0 < e < d`. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: void qadic_frobenius(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, slong e, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Evaluates the homomorphism `\Sigma^e` at ``op``. Recall that `\mathbf{Q}_q / \mathbf{Q}_p` is Galois with Galois group `\langle \Sigma \rangle \cong \langle \sigma \rangle`, which is also isomorphic to `\mathbf{Z}/d\mathbf{Z}`, where `\sigma \in \operatorname{Gal}(\mathbf{F}_q/\mathbf{F}_p)` is the Frobenius element `\sigma \colon x \mapsto x^p` and `\Sigma` is its lift to `\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbf{Q}_q/\mathbf{Q}_p)`. This functionality is implemented as ``GaloisImage()`` in Magma. .. function:: void _qadic_teichmuller(fmpz * rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N) Sets ``(rop, d)`` to the Teichmüller lift of ``(op, len)`` modulo `p^N`. Does not support aliasing. .. function:: void qadic_teichmuller(qadic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the Teichmüller lift of ``op`` to the precision given in the context. For a unit ``op``, this is the unique `(q-1)`\th root of unity which is congruent to ``op`` modulo `p`. Sets ``rop`` to zero if ``op`` is zero in the given context. Raises an exception if the valuation of ``op`` is negative. .. function:: void _qadic_trace(fmpz_t rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t pN) void qadic_trace(padic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the trace of ``op``. For an element `a \in \mathbf{Q}_q`, multiplication by `a` defines a `\mathbf{Q}_p`-linear map on `\mathbf{Q}_q`. We define the trace of `a` as the trace of this map. Equivalently, if `\Sigma` generates `\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbf{Q}_q / \mathbf{Q}_p)` then the trace of `a` is equal to `\sum_{i=0}^{d-1} \Sigma^i (a)`. .. function:: void _qadic_norm(fmpz_t rop, const fmpz * op, slong len, const fmpz * a, const slong * j, slong lena, const fmpz_t p, slong N) Sets ``rop`` to the norm of the element ``(op,len)`` in `\mathbf{Z}_q` to precision `N`, where ``len`` is at least one. The result will be reduced modulo `p^N`. Note that whenever ``(op,len)`` is a unit, so is its norm. Thus, the output ``rop`` of this function will typically not have to be canonicalised or reduced by the caller. .. function:: void qadic_norm(padic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Computes the norm of ``op`` to the given precision. Algorithm selection is automatic depending on the input. .. function:: void qadic_norm_analytic(padic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Whenever ``op`` has valuation greater than `(p-1)^{-1}`, this routine computes its norm ``rop`` via .. math:: \operatorname{Norm} (x) = \exp \Bigl( \bigl( \operatorname{Trace} \log (x) \bigr) \Bigr). In the special case that ``op`` lies in `\mathbf{Q}_p`, returns its norm as `\operatorname{Norm}(x) = x^d`, where `d` is the extension degree. Otherwise, raises an ``abort`` signal. The complexity of this implementation is quasi-linear in `d` and `N`, and polynomial in `\log p`. .. function:: void qadic_norm_resultant(padic_t rop, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Sets ``rop`` to the norm of ``op``, using the formula .. math:: \operatorname{Norm}(x) = \ell(f)^{-\deg(a)} \operatorname{Res}(f(X), a(X)), where `\mathbf{Q}_q \cong \mathbf{Q}_p[X] / (f(X))`, `\ell(f)` is the leading coefficient of `f(X)`, and `a(X) \in \mathbf{Q}_p[X]` denotes the same polynomial as `x`. The complexity of the current implementation is given by `\mathcal{O}(d^4 M(N \log p))`, where `M(n)` denotes the complexity of multiplying to `n`-bit integers. Output -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. function:: int qadic_fprint_pretty(FILE * file, const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Prints a pretty representation of ``op`` to ``file``. In the current implementation, always returns `1`. The return code is part of the function's signature to allow for a later implementation to return the number of characters printed or a non-positive error code. .. function:: int qadic_print_pretty(const qadic_t op, const qadic_ctx_t ctx) Prints a pretty representation of ``op`` to ``stdout``. In the current implementation, always returns `1`. The return code is part of the function's signature to allow for a later implementation to return the number of characters printed or a non-positive error code.