fmpz_extras.h – extra methods for FLINT integers

This module implements a few utility methods for the FLINT multiprecision integer type (fmpz_t). It is mainly intended for internal use.

Convenience methods

void fmpz_adiv_q_2exp(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, flint_bitcnt_t exp)

Sets z to \(x / 2^{exp}\), rounded away from zero.

void fmpz_ui_mul_ui(fmpz_t x, ulong a, ulong b)

Sets x to a times b.

void fmpz_max(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y)
void fmpz_min(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y)

Sets z to the maximum (respectively minimum) of x and y.

Inlined arithmetic

The fmpz_t bignum type uses an immediate representation for small integers, specifically when the absolute value is at most \(2^{62}-1\) (on 64-bit machines) or \(2^{30}-1\) (on 32-bit machines). The following methods completely inline the case where all operands (and possibly some intermediate values in the calculation) are known to be small. This is faster in code where all values almost certainly will be much smaller than a full word. In particular, these methods are used within Arb for manipulating exponents of floating-point numbers. Inlining slows down the general case, and increases code size, so these methods should not be used gratuitously.

void fmpz_add_inline(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y)
void fmpz_add_si_inline(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, slong y)
void fmpz_add_ui_inline(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, ulong y)

Sets z to the sum of x and y.

void fmpz_sub_si_inline(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, slong y)

Sets z to the difference of x and y.

void fmpz_add2_fmpz_si_inline(fmpz_t z, const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y, slong c)

Sets z to the sum of x, y, and c.

slong _fmpz_size(const fmpz_t x)

Returns the number of limbs required to represent x.

slong _fmpz_sub_small(const fmpz_t x, const fmpz_t y)

Computes the difference of x and y and returns the result as an slong. The result is clamped between -WORD_MAX and WORD_MAX, i.e. between \(\pm (2^{63}-1)\) inclusive on a 64-bit machine.

void _fmpz_set_si_small(fmpz_t x, slong v)

Sets x to the integer v which is required to be a value between COEFF_MIN and COEFF_MAX so that promotion to a bignum cannot occur.

Low-level conversions

FMPZ_GET_MPN_READONLY(zsign, zn, zptr, ztmp, zv)

Given an fmpz_t zv, this macro sets zptr to a pointer to the limbs of zv, zn to the number of limbs, and zsign to a sign bit (0 if nonnegative, 1 if negative). The variable ztmp must be a single ulong, which is used as a buffer. If zv is a small value, zv itself contains no limb array that zptr could point to, so the single limb is copied to ztmp and zptr is set to point to ztmp. The case where zv is zero is not handled specially, and zn is set to 1.

void fmpz_lshift_mpn(fmpz_t z, nn_srcptr src, slong n, int negative, flint_bitcnt_t shift)

Sets z to the integer represented by the n limbs in the array src, or minus this value if negative is 1, shifted left by shift bits. Requires \(n \ge 1\) and that the top limb of src is nonzero.